
Eastern Wayne Today

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Wayne County rise or fall in 2021?

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Farms throughout cities in Wayne County received $1.5 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 183 farmers in cities within Wayne County received a total of $808,485 in 281 farm subsidies, a 64.9% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $2.3 million in 488 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Wayne County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
New Lawn Sod Farm, Inc.$0$119,268--
PV Produce, Inc.$0$95,493--
Ronald E Taig$36,194$37,8324.5%
Hammonds Produce, LLC$0$35,470--
Norlinhills, LLC$27,671$29,4726.5%
Vettese Farms, LLC$31,935$21,277-33.4%
Donald J Houtakker$35,521$19,913-43.9%
Joan H. Koroleski Irrev Trust$18,674$18,6740%
Stroh Farms, LLC$60,315$17,960-70.2%
Lange Farms, LLC$27,115$16,392-39.5%
Safeside Farm, LLC$7,524$15,737109.2%
Robert D Doenitz Revoc Trustee$14,215$14,2150%
Steven W. Shafer$13,670$13,6700%
Genevieve Sas$14,462$13,292-8.1%
Anita M. Tschida$5,671$11,410101.2%
Hillcrest Sod Service, LLC$0$11,216--
MRS Susan-Susan M Mccausland Revocable Trust Mccausland$16,039$10,496-34.6%
Zeffie L Speed$1,594$9,564500%
Troy Nelmark$0$9,424--
Susan Robakiewicz$12,540$9,418-24.9%
Alexandrowski Farms, LLC$21,714$9,336-57%
Steven Peach$23,717$9,178-61.3%
Mike Renema$8,642$8,6420%
George W. Weir$8,086$8,5135.3%
Hennessy Harbor Vineyard, LLC$0$8,356--
Kurc Acres, LLC$7,800$7,8000%
Charles G. Washington$6,430$6,4300%
David Blakney$15,551$6,274-59.7%
Ilona Eszter Sarkozy$6,242$6,2420%
Thomas D. Yonish$0$6,209--
Michael A. Bailey$5,870$5,8700%
Rita Pohlod$12,383$5,316-57.1%
Ronald B. Lange II$7,748$5,275-31.9%
Jerre M. Lamb$5,181$5,1810%
Planted, LLC$0$4,517--
J. R. Budd, Inc.$14,067$4,516-67.9%
Ernest B. Riddle Jr.$4,325$4,3250%
Nurturing Our Seeds$0$4,256--
Iron Mustangs Motorcycle Club, Inc.$4,575$4,048-11.5%
James D. Miller$10,283$4,007-61%
Kevin Manchizh$3,963$3,9630%
Marvin G Rist Trust$975$3,766286.3%
Martha Overbeck Tr$5,150$3,652-29.1%
Kleven Farm, LLC$2,561$3,41533.3%
James E. Abercrombie$4,222$3,342-20.8%
Michael T. Beamish$3,251$3,2510%
Murray W Davis Revocable Trust$8,737$3,138-64.1%
Margaret Byrd$2,202$3,10441%
Donahee Enterprises, Inc.$24,991$3,012-87.9%
Gregory Murtland$4,449$2,959-33.5%
John Leipprandt$2,610$2,6100%
Beaverland Farms, LLC$0$2,584--
Richard Charles Kosik$2,153$2,56519.1%
Triple JJJ Creek, LLC$2,552$2,5520%
Michael E. Nunley$1,462$2,49670.7%
Maurice Marshall$2,110$2,44115.7%
David E. Schroeder$0$2,438--
Western SKY Farms, LLC$826$2,417192.6%
Leo P. Seifert$2,407$2,4070%
Douglas Weir$2,333$2,3330%
Scioto Security Company, Inc.$0$2,310--
Anthony J. Smith$3,061$2,272-25.8%
Roelant Farm, LLC$4,134$2,223-46.2%
Fred L Vaderna$2,210$2,2100%
Brian Ellison$2,313$2,197-5%
Georgia L Schmalzried Trust$5,791$2,173-62.5%
Michaleen a Lewis$3,051$2,016-33.9%
Frank J Kuderik JR$4,489$1,966-56.2%
Tim W. Butler$1,748$1,96412.4%
Jerald E. O'Shaughnessey$4,895$1,856-62.1%
Chad D. Young$4,626$1,685-63.6%
Lucinda Darrah$4,416$1,608-63.6%
Detroit Hives$0$1,590--
Joanne Kabrovich$5,361$1,586-70.4%
Mack Johnson$3,332$1,567-53%
Lenore Wright$3,911$1,554-60.3%
Walter L. Tank$1,545$1,5450%
Marilyn Mitchell$1,757$1,538-12.5%
Marian P Tyler Revocable Trust$1,710$1,529-10.6%
Overbeck Trust$2,825$1,522-46.1%
Satterthwaite Living Trust$3,799$1,504-60.4%
Alan P Darr Revocable Trust$2,058$1,502-27%
Rochowiak Brothers, Inc.$37,013$1,441-96.1%
Brenda Schmalzried Rev Trustee$2,690$1,441-46.4%
Eugene G. Demick$1,418$1,4180%
Robert L. Delong$1,406$1,4060%
Anne-Lise F. Halvorsen$609$1,395129.1%
Banotai Greenhouses, Inc.$161,348$1,343-99.2%
Norman D. Long$1,300$1,3000%
Carolyn S Ripley, Inc.$5,285$1,295-75.5%
Mark W. Witte$1,242$1,2420%
Evaleta S Thume$3,466$1,210-65.1%
Kervin J. Brungardt$2,075$1,177-43.3%
Alex Block$1,203$1,176-2.2%
Gertrude E. Rigg$3,725$1,114-70.1%
Michael Doukakos$1,068$1,0680%
James Lee Page Sr.$1,054$1,0540%
John Howard Trust$743$1,05341.7%
Steven Howard Trust$743$1,05341.7%
Rodney John Wahlstrom$0$1,050--
Ruby Lankford$0$1,020--
Kathleen A. Ardelean$3,274$1,001-69.4%
Plymouth Orchards, Inc.$663$1,00050.8%
John M Olle & Clarice P Olle Rev Trust$4,872$992-79.6%
Jessie Mae Barnes$881$98812.1%
Chism Acres, LLC$981$9810%
Clara L. Hill$2,511$974-61.2%
Debra Reid$1,276$914-28.4%
Barry Calhoun$3,630$830-77.1%
Peter Haefle$1,220$802-34.3%
Will Liggins Jr.$2,607$792-69.6%
Brave Family Revocable Trust$1,939$774-60.1%
Henry-& Mily Hubeny Revoc Trustee Sept 1 2021 L Hubeny$1,830$772-57.8%
Barbara J. Krohn$2,002$768-61.6%
Ironwolf Farms, LLC$2,855$748-73.8%
Malaney D Baptiste Trust$730$7300%
Yvonne A. Finley$904$720-20.4%
Bernice Winfrey$698$6980%
Carl W. Schafer$1,074$688-35.9%
John L. Webb$938$682-27.3%
William E. Parrish$1,927$653-66.1%
Janet E Hollmann Living Trust$1,139$628-44.9%
Patricia Watts Neal IRRV Farm Trustee$2,801$597-78.7%
Drew D. Doty$1,811$594-67.2%
George Overbeck$1,436$552-61.6%
Charles A. Olson III$273$547100.4%
Sam Salloum$510$5100%
Bradley Bezzina$178$509186%
Steven M. Bandy$5,011$502-90%
Geraldine Thorn$511$493-3.5%
Ronald E. Wojtowicz$486$4860%
Thomas M. Lodge$0$455--
Jerry Haviland$1,351$440-67.4%
John D O'Hair$431$4310%
Vickie Lee Evans$88$413369.3%
Aislinn Scofield$386$3860%
Miller Land Group, LLC$1,058$379-64.2%
Seven BRO Investment Club, Inc.$362$3620%
Carlton Phillips Rev Trust$1,745$359-79.4%
Carl L Zapotny$358$3580%
Lawrence C. Foreman$576$357-38%
Dennis Henn$1,141$356-68.8%
Paul Green$332$3320%
Sandra Mesara$320$3200%
Larry J. Deck$0$318--
Anita Martin$813$314-61.4%
Marjorie Hilgendorf$760$294-61.3%
Alan P. Pietruszka$225$28426.2%
Richard Eubank$1,151$274-76.2%
Kenneth Edward Halasz$376$271-27.9%
Ben Washburn Jr.$451$263-41.7%
Laginess Family Living Trust$239$2452.5%
Roma L. Smith$624$228-63.5%
Robert Robson$371$197-46.9%
Estate of Zachery David Jock$711$196-72.4%
Martin R Baerlin - Martin R Baerlin Rev Trust R Baerlin$0$190--
Addie Allen$182$1820%
Bruce Ronald Leser$113$18059.3%
Arthur Cain$399$157-60.7%
Carol Ness$477$157-67.1%
Sultana V. Sami$152$1530.7%
Jason Foreman$0$143--
John Wesserling$0$132--
Paul E Zoski$245$125-49%
mac Gardner$561$124-77.9%
Joe Greene$130$114-12.3%
Karen E. Lane$204$111-45.6%
Oiya E Lowe$203$111-45.3%
Joseph W. Beckerman$2,506$109-95.7%
Violet Geisz$354$106-70.1%
Mary Williams$177$96-45.8%
Eric E. Steinbrenner$196$78-60.2%
Jack A. Burns$120$73-39.2%
Myra E. Wetzel$27$62129.6%
Clinton Treasure Draines$69$37-46.4%
Denelda Maria Draines$69$37-46.4%
Eboni Joy Ambrose$69$37-46.4%
Luther E. Weaver Jr.$35$32-8.6%
Richard J. Blythe$99$31-68.7%
Thomas S. Samson$21$210%
Chad Machan-Garland$571$10-98.2%
Mary Ann Williams$0$9--
Mark Valensky$204$9-95.6%
Larry Kolodziej$131$0-100%
Marjorie Knittle$76$0-100%
Pinters Greenhouses, Inc.$131,597$0-100%
Zachery Jock$328$0-100%
Zywicki Greenhouses, Inc.$128,467$0-100%
Martin R Baerlin - Martin R Baerl$682$0-100%
Ibrahim H Alkhalil$1,846$0-100%
Antonio Sain$21$0-100%
Darryl Hayes$21$0-100%
Donald R. Hicks$6,172$0-100%
Franklin Legacy Farm$1,046$0-100%
Inez Davis$61$0-100%
Iona Jones$16$0-100%
Joan Hudson$148$0-100%
Johnnie Hunter$163$0-100%
Josephine Furlow$394$0-100%
Kiren E Ghei$3,777$0-100%
Pamela Glenette Bond$854$0-100%
Patricia Nesbitt$127$0-100%
Roxanne M. Jones$1,119$0-100%
Mindy George Stewart$520$0-100%
Sleeping Lion Ranch, LLC$74,881$0-100%
B Catherine Christensen Irrevocable Trust$770$0-100%
Dorothy a Rodemeyer Trust$1,692$0-100%
Foss Family, LLC$3,897$0-100%
Romilda Helen Weathers$1,898$0-100%
William Lindholm$2,615$0-100%
Briton Acres % Thomas Bosserd, Inc.$17,382$0-100%
Edwin Schrader JR Rev Living Trust$242$0-100%
N S K Green Construction, Inc.$914$0-100%
Richard D. Ramage$32$0-100%
Sarah Schrader$401$0-100%
Susan Schrader Rev Living Trust$3,455$0-100%
William Peterson - William Peters$1,308$0-100%
Mark Grybel$1,608$0-100%
Post Gardens, Inc.$430,535$0-100%
Alexander Ball$2,437$0-100%
Schwartz's Greenhouse, Inc.$406,621$0-100%
Angela D. Turnbow$230$0-100%
John E. Kremer$1,117$0-100%
K & M Nelson, Ltd.$4,330$0-100%
Betty McGeachy$391$0-100%
Laurence Yax$391$0-100%
R Joe Hixon Trustee Dated 07-31-2008$1,322$0-100%
Ernest J. Zasadny$640$0-100%
Barsons Greenhouse, LLC$53,789$0-100%
Betty Ann Kraska$477$0-100%
Gerald Mijal$64,413$0-100%
Virginia E Mijal IRR Trust$16,818$0-100%
George J. Jakubiec$1,023$0-100%
Total subsidies$2,301,343$808,485-64.9%